MF Doom and Bishop Nehru - NehruvianDOOM album review

The veteran and the rookie could easily be the subtitle for the album that brings together the legendary MF Doom and young MC Bishop Nehru. Bishop Nehru first made contact with MF Doom when he opened for Doom and Ghostface at London's 100 club back in 2013. They got on well and decided top work on an album together "Well it's titled NehruvianDOOM . It's DOOM producing the beats and I'm rapping over them, though he's going to be on some of the songs too. We don't have any outside features, it's just me and him." For those that don't know Bishop Nehru is a young rapper, born in 1996 who dropped a mixtape presented by Peter Rosenberg and DJ Semtex a couple of years ago before meeting Doom and working on this album. The album is nine tracks long (ten if you get the iTunes Special edition) and is released on Lex records. Eight of the ten tracks are produced by MF Doom with one more being produced by Madvillian (Doom and Madlib)...